Tuesday, June 14, 2011

To Timber Creek – Gregory N.P.

Tuesday 14th June

Another really cool night, followed by a warm, not hot, day.

Travelling from Katherine to Timber Creek, we passed lots of Brahman cattle along the road or in adjacent paddocks, and much less traffic than on the Stuart Highway.

The country coming into the Gregory N.P. is spectacular, with towering red escarpments, reminiscent of the centre and Newhaven.

After checking Rob’s reference book, we decided to go to Timber Creek rather than Victoria River, because there are spots where special finches are seen.

The campground was alongside a pretty creek that had a little bridge over it. Unfortunately there was no cleared pathway, so we couldn’t go far.

We went to a couple of places nearby, late in the day – one beautiful spot on the river,

There were also some pretty wildflowers.

On the way out from the river spot, we came across a grass fire that had just been lit - so had to wait until it reached the road and died down - just minutes. There is an enormous amount of burning done up here.

And then we went to the airport, (following the book) where we had some success with the finches!
We saw flocks of Pictorella finches, flying out of long grass and landing in trees, then flying off again. They’re not pretty, but it was good to see them.

Then excitement when R spotted a Star finch, which stayed in some long grass and let R go quite close....hence the photo!

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