Sunday, June 26, 2011


Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th June

We were horrified at the caravan park here initially – it was all concrete, lots of permanent cabins  and quite hideous. However it was fine, because we spent most of the day doing necessary shopping, looking around Broome or walking or having a swim on Cable Beach, which is divine.

We bought lovely fresh fish for dinner and sushi or ate out for lunch so that was a treat.
We stayed to watch the sunset at Cable Beach

Broome is not like an outback town at all, but is more like a seaside resort town. It is rather spread out, but has lots of shops, galleries and cafes, and has a nice feel about it.
We went to Pt Gantheaume where there is an Osprey's nest, with chicks.
Can you see the huge stick nest on the platform of the lighthouse tower?

The Ospreys came in to feed their young

I don’t think we’ll have phone/internet cover at Cape Leveque – we will be there until Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. The osprey nest is fascinating, but what great luck getting that shot of both the ospreys, with one in flight as well. Congrats! You have a great reflexes and an eye for composition, as well as camera balance;no shakes!

    Feeling a tad envious, what with the chilly mornings we are having here in Vic, a swim at that lovely beach looks really inviting.
    Enjoy your next stop. LOL Yvonne
