Thursday, June 16, 2011


Thursday June 16    RJG

Travelled  from our camp at Keep River NP to Kununurra today, and in doing so crossed over the border into WA.
They didn’t ask us for our passports, but did all but, when we went through the quarantine check point. The inspector went through the car and the Topaz very thoroughly. No fruit or vegies allowed or some nuts or honey. We were aware of the restrictions, but still had to do a lot of eating in the last 50 km..

We are not much impressed with Kununurra, but some of the surrounding countryside is truly spectacular.

As we crossed the border, we had to set our watches etc one and a half hours back, so now it’s light at 5.30am and dark at 5.30 pm.. This also meant that we checked into the first caravan park at 9.00 am.. It was booked out already ! The next one, which seems just as good was still taking in vans.

We thought we would look at Wyndham (about 100 km north), and call in to Parry’s Farm on the way.

Parry’s Farm turned out to be an absolute sensation !  Had fish and chips, barra of course, and a glass of wine at the cafe there, then went on to the Ramsar listed wetlands.  They are just so beautiful and spectacular, but unfortunately the pics don’t do it justice.

The birdlife was just amazing. Had wonderful views from the hide, and took some pics of some fairly special birds.

This is an Australian pratincole,  a bird I haven’t seen for about 30 years.

These are Green Pygmy geese (colour didn’t come out too well)

This is a heron that I can’t identify. I need help RMS ! I think it is a colour mutation of a White faced heron. Uneven light grey above, white underneath, and olive/yellow legs. About the size of a WFH.

and this is a Pied Heron.

On the way out, we saw several Red Backed Kingfishers, Long-tailed finches, Double bar finches, Zebra finches, Star finches. No pics unfortunately. Heeps of other species too of course, especially water birds.

This didn’t leave much time for Wyndham, which we felt wasn’t a shame at all. The place looked deserted and impoverished, and mainly populated by the dispossessed.

We went up to the Five Rivers Lookout, which is really quite spectacular, where you can see the 5 rivers that flow into Cambridge Gulf. The Ord,King,Pentecost,Durack and Forrest.

Great views, but not worth driving 100 km there and back to see !

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