Sunday, August 5, 2012

We're on the Way! Horsham

Day1 To Horsham

Polly and the chooks went to their 5 star foster home yesterday, and we headed off at 8.15 this morning to pick up Sue and Brian in South Yarra. Had an easy trip with little traffic , being a Sunday, and met up with Sal in Beaufort

and had a coffee with Jule and Andy and Sophie and Lucy .. we were quite a rowdy mob!

 then went to Horsham and checked in at the cabin

then went for a walk along the river - it rained a bit but it was a lovely walk new coat was perfect tyvm!

Now we are in the cabin, having a drink and watching news of the games, and a delicious dinner that Sal brought....


  1. Glad the first day has gone smoothly. All fine here at Nerrin Nerrin. Briany won't be having scones and cream every day, just Sundays!

  2. Love the all the photos - especially the one of you all in the cafe - lovely to see little Sophie and Lucy - gorgeous Jule!!! Hope you all have a fabulous time!
    Georgie xoxox
