Tuesday, August 21, 2012


19 – 21st August

Just as we left this Bronzewing Pigeon came up close.

Stopped for lunch on the way to Kalgoorlie - saw some Mulla Mullas

We celebrated C’s birthday at the Blue Monkey restaurant that night – had a lovely meal and she enjoyed calls from all the family.

There are many beautiful historical, well maintained buildings in Kalgoorlie…wide streets and  surprising number of good food and coffee spots.

We spent hours at the museum and related the information to possible experiences of our grandfather, George Pitman, who was here in the 1890’s, looking for gold!
The only gold he came home with was enough for a bangle for his fiancée, Eva Arnold, who waited for him for 10 years(?)! He spent some time working as a Clerk of Courts.
We imagined him in the terribly harsh and primitive conditions eg perhaps he had a tent like this?

 Coolgardie... almost like a ghost town, close to abandoned.

A visit to the Super Pit was absolutely amazing…1000 miners employed there…. 40% females. The mine produces 800,000 ounces per year – 22 tonnes.

Everything is on a huge scale…$35,000 for replacement of one tyre on the trucks

The pit is 440m deep

Can you see the man down the bottom in the orange overalls??

The mine is so big it can be seen from space.

Rob said he’d like one of these buckets for the tractor!!

Remains of timber and metal from old mining shafts have to be removed by hand before crushing.

Now Sue and Sal will leave for Perth. What a great time we have had....Rob has not had to be a hero after all !!

We have all really enjoyed being together and sharing wonderful experiences.... it couldn't have been better!

P.S.  One last photo opportunity!


  1. Oh what a wonderful experience, what a contrast from the beautiful blue waters along the coast to the vast pits of Kalgoorlie! And how fantastic to have that time together, sharing many a laugh i'm sure as well as visiting such amazing places! WIll continue to follow your trip with interest. Many happy returns for 19th, Caz. We were thinking of you. Love and kisses, Lucy xx

  2. Rockin' those hard hats Ladies! Hope you guys have a fantastic time on the rest of your trip, look forward to reading about your adventures! LOL S, C & R xx

  3. the mines look incredible! we had a bit of a look at that mine in science, how it effects the ecosystem. Have a nice time xxoo Sally Barton!
