Wednesday, August 15, 2012

To Fraser Range

To Fraser Range 13th August

A much milder night, nearly into shorts ……hooray!  

Heading off to Fraser Range…..Another long straight road!!

There were heaps of Red Kangaroo road kills, and lots of Wedgies and some different wattles that were mounds.

We passed through Cocklebiddy and Caiguna, then Balladonia, arriving at Fraser Range mid avo.

Rob had his first bird thrill here – we saw some White-backed Swallows when we went for a walk.

Tuesday 14th Rob

About time the male of the species contributed to the blog!

This morning was cold and windy but sunny, and we did the ridge top walk

… about 6km, in 2 ½ hours.

Saw many kangaroos and wallabies

and Wedge-tailed Eagles which seemed inquisitive and flew low over us.

Birding highlights: White-backed Swallows and Ground Cuckoo-shrikes (7), neither of which I have seen for many years.

Also a male Emu with 5 chicks, behaving just like a 21st century Dad, doing a great job with the kids.

Not a lot of birds around the camp because the Yellow-throated Miners (the avian equivalent of Hell’s Angels) are dominant and make life uncomfortable for the other birds.

However there are plenty of beautiful Ringnecked Parrots

 and Pied Butcher-birds with their melodious, fluting call.

Looking forward to Sally’s Risotto tonight – 4 of us in the van, perfecting the Topaz tango!

1 comment:

  1. that is the most beautiful parrot i have ever seen just gorgeous love the flowers and other animals have fun
