Saturday, August 11, 2012

To Fowler's Bay

To Fowler’s Bay 9th  & 10th August
A CD might be an alternative……

Bought some fresh Whiting for dinner before we left Streaky Bay then some oysters at Ceduna…yum!
A surprising area of cropping country all the way to Fowler’s Bay

until we approached the turn-off….then it became barren samphire flats.

There are some beautiful old buildings here but nothing much else – a long pier and enormous sand hills.

Piles of sea grass on the beach so we had to walk further down…a beautiful long beach for walk, and found a friend like Red Dog!

Sandalwood was growing there.

Some more Pied Stilts

The next day was a glorious 16 degrees and a cloudless sky.

Mats down, legs stretched, deep breathing and lots of groaning…. started the day at the Fowlers Bay Pilates Studio!
One hour later three tired bodies and our chauffeur went to look at the ruins of a homestead “Yalata” station. It was in the most remote, bleak, treeless area, with huge sand dunes behind, but in the past ran 21,000 sheep.

On the centenary of the New Year’s Sports Day, 1998, there was a big celebration held. Hundreds of people came from far and wide…tyres marked the sports arena and 100m track on the salt pan!

 Again there were lots of pretty wildflowers… including some tiny greenhood orchids.
Silver Senna (Cassia)

Olearia (daisy) and huge Templetonia retusa (Cocky’s tongue)
Maybe fishing is the answer?!

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