Friday, August 17, 2012

Cape Le Grande N.P.

Friday 17th August

Every day at Esperance gets better!

The day began with a Pilates class for 3 slim figures.

We set off for Cape Le Grande N.P. - 60km-  and were excited to see beautiful Smoke Bush,

 and lots of other flowers.

An Isopogon... Conebush

Banksia speciosa in abundance

Kunzea baxteri

A red Grevillea and white tea-tree type flowers.

We climbed for 1 1/2 hours up Frenchmans Peak - a huge granite outcrop.

Beautiful views and lots of flowers again ...cameras were running hot!

? pea

A pink tea-tree with huge flowers

A scented Sticky tailflower


Rob had his orchid eyes on, and spotted some Donkey orchids and some tiny Greenhoods too.

Then onto Lucky Bay for lunch - long stretch of magnificent beach with the whitest, finest, squeaky sand - (they claim it is the whitest in Australia) and unbelievably turquoise water.

Next stop Hellfire Bay - huge granite rocks with their smooth surfaces.... a magnificent backdrop to another beautiful bay.

And more flowers along the roadside... cameras (and phones) started running out of space and going flat.

A red Banksia

Pimelea ferruginea .. Rice flower


A wonderful day.

Dinner ... oysters and fish - this time Queen Snapper- a treat!


  1. Happy birthday Caza!!! Little bird told me it was your bday!!! Hope you have a great time! Happy travels lol Til & boys xxx

  2. Delivered Briany back to Melbourne safely and Sarah dropped him home after christening. Great having him to stay. I think he was a bit tired after not having a sleep in this morning!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday Caz. Sad for you all that its coming to an end. I will still follow the blog for the rest of the trip. Its great. All fine here. 1 inch of rain this week so things are looking a bit greener. xx Jule and Co.
