Friday, September 7, 2012


Friday 7th September

On our way to Onslow, we passed through Karratha. It was an amazing town, absolutely exploding with development of every kind. Kilometers of bulldozers, graders, trucks, bobcats, towers, witches hats, red flag barriers and so much dust !(It was blowing a gale)...they are even making the road to Dampier a dual highway, with traffic lights.

We had to go to Dampier to see the statue of Red Dog!

The wind whipped up a dust storm...eerie light...reminded us of the one that went through Melbourne at the time of Ash Wednesday fires. Lots of Spinifex Termite mounds - I call them the Sumo wrestler mounds!

Much of the country was very stony and rocky

We passed several Gas plants - and more salt evaporation ponds. There is a port facility here in Onslow with a conveyer belt to the salt stockpile.

Two really good bird sightings on the way.......some Bourke's parrots and an Oriental Pratincole.
Finished the day with a walk along the beachfront and Sal's risotto !

1 comment:

  1. Hi C & R loving your news and pics - so glad you saw Red Dog! and that dust storm looked amazing - had a laugh re the sumo wrestlers! can see the resemblance! Good to hear risotto on the menu! Wind been amazing here, no damage t.g. still cold too...
