Sunday, September 2, 2012

Karijini N.P.

 28th Aug – 2nd Sept

Perhaps this is an idea for you, Gab??!! (In the caravan park at Newman)

The road to Karijini N.P. passed through very pretty country.

and we stopped to look at some new wildflowers.
The dust in the Pilbara is the driest, reddest and finest we’ve ever encountered – there was nothing not stained red by the time we left ...even the birds had the hue of the Pilbara this Pied Butcher-bird!

What a joy to be bush camping again, after so many caravan parks.
The site was shaded and had a beautiful view... this is the moon setting early in the morning at the back of our camp.

And there was even a welcoming committee for us!
Spinifex Pigeons – winner of the Bird of the Kimberley Award last year – were all around the camp

….very unafraid

…. an unexpected delight!

There were many bushes like this around the camp – remember it at Newhaven, Rob S?
The nights were cool and the days reached about 30 deg. Each day we left early for a walk, to beat the heat. Lovely scenery..... all the gums had beautiful white trunks.
Termite mounds amongst the Spinifex

On the way back we’d have a plunger coffee in the shaded reception area, return for a solar heated shower and then download the photos, prepare the blog and do washing etc before our usual wrap for lunch.
By this time there was a breeze, so it was very pleasant to read and relax before a late afternoon walk ..
A  Diamond Dove
then cooked and ate dinner under the stars… what a life!

There were several walks and drives to various gorges and lookouts that are absolutely magnificent but unfortunately photos never do this type of scenery justice.
Joffre Gorge is a stunning gorge that drops down maybe 100m from ground level, with a waterfall and pools at the base.

We climbed down and walked along different parts of it – the final section to the water was too hard though.

At the lookout
We had a wonderful sighting of a Painted Finch (we saw them at Knox Gorge too, feeding on Spinifex seed)

And another day we followed a Sand Goanna along the rocks in the gorge to a pool of water where he had a long drink.
There is a lookout (scary!) from the other side of the gorge.

The climb down into Weano Gorge was steep in parts, and crossed the little creek at the bottom….. really beautiful.

On a hot afternoon we went to Tom Price – beautiful scenery

and some different wildflowers.

Lots of big native Hibiscus shrubs

and some big purple peas
A carpet of everlastings like Bachelor Buttons
and some Camel Bush

On our last day we left early and called in to the Dale Gorge area.

We walked to Fortescue Falls

 and Fern Pool.

 Unbelievably beautiful.

The road between the two areas of the N.P. was very badly corrugated so we were glad to get back on the bitumen road, on our way to Pt Hedland.

Bird report for Karijini N.P.

Most noticeable was the paucity of birdlife, and what birds were there, were remarkably silent …virtually no morning chorus or night birds. They also appeared very inactive – perhaps to reduce heat generation - and had a big siesta between 11am and 4pm (like the humans!)

However there were some real highlights, particularly the numerous Spinifex Pigeons (red sub-species), Painted Finches, and my first sighting of a Spinifex Bird. Other interesting sightings were Stubble Quail, Variegated Wrens, Blue-winged Kookaburras (heard only), good views of Spotted Harriers and a pair of Little Falcons right at our camp.

There was a very noticeable absence of honeyeaters, despite the presence of nectar-bearing flowers, with the exception of Yellow-throated Miners and Brown Honeyeaters; also an absence of thornbills – although Weebills  were very common.

Summing up – not many birds, but a few gems!







  1. Love the pink pied butcher bird - and the other bird photos (and of course the SD pea!).Port Hedland looks very interesting too - can't believe they have 3 trains that long!!!! LOL G xxoo

  2. What divine scenery - and at last the Sturt D. Pea!
    Loving all the interesting info and such beautiful pics....You will be glad to be near coast now no doubt away from all the red dust.....!!
    Gale force winds here, cold, showery after a few days of sunny Spring weather!!
    LOL SR xxxxx
