Thursday, September 20, 2012


18-20th September

Much of the country from Exmouth to Carnarvon was very arid and monotonous, with very few flowers and birds, but there was one area where there were carpets of pretty pink flowers, the same that we had seen at Lake Ballard.
We stopped to look at an unusual fencing construction

and later disturbed a Bustard.
Travelling south, we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, and had a few raindrops (!) but they cleared and it was warm, but noticeably cooler than Exmouth.

There are extensive mangroves at Carnarvon along the shallow inlets and river mouth eg at the “one mile jetty”

where we saw many colourful little crabs.
The area produces bananas, mangoes,

and other fruit and vegetables, using irrigation from an aquifer under the Gascoyne River which flows only about every 8 – 10 years.
There are disputes about water allocation reductions, and problems with salinity…..a familiar story.
We went to a little café beside the dry, sandy, river bed where they grow bananas

you can see the huge flower at the bottom, and the developing bunches of bananas.

We have enjoyed delicious strawberries from a grower every day – and some Black Sapote

We’ve also had fresh local fish as we did in Exmouth. Different species – Crimson Snapper, Rosy Snapper, Gold Band Snapper, Pink Snapper... all delicious!

We visited the Blowhole (I was too scared to go near it!)…spectacular

And Quobba, a beautiful quiet lagoon…it was windy and quite cool so we didn’t try the snorkelling there.

On the way home we saw wheel hubs attached high on the power poles, about very km. Nankeen Kestrels had built nests, and were sitting, on nearly every one. (Ravens occupied one)
Can you see the bird watching us?

Looks like Carnarvon is a windy place!



  1. YL looking very trim !
    Strawberries sound delicious....We had some sweet and delicious ones in Perth
    I thought the vegetation looks like Queensland ?
    xx s

  2. Banana plant interesting...and those yum strawbs just like in Perth - never heard of the black sapote, sapodilla (looked it up)....good pic of the blowhole and those funny wheel hubs!
    Very windy here today and turning cool again after some beautiful spring weather....
    LOL skr xx
