Saturday, May 21, 2011

Port Augusta to Coober Pedy

A long day’s drive, but we took time at several stops because there is nowhere to walk in Coober Pedy! And this worked out well because we had some very good bird sightings!

We saw many small flocks of budgies and cockatiels, and near Lake Hart, R was very excited when he saw about 6 Burke parrots and then just past Glendambo he saw another flock of about 6! (I missed them). The highlight for me was when we were stopped for a break and a walk about 130 km south of Coober Pedy, we saw some Orange Chats – excellent views! Amazing colour. Lots of Zebra finches, nesting; Chiming Wedgebills, nesting Southern Whiteface, as well as other more common ones.

The only reptile we saw was a Bearded Dragon (a lot bigger than Spike, Harry) and one dead snake on the road. There were some Sturt Desert Pea plants, but not in flower. The weather was about 26; lots of flies and burrs in the short grass, not much traffic – but R is getting RSI from so much raising the finger to oncoming vans!

A great day!

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