Monday, May 30, 2011

Katherine Gorge 2

Monday 30th May

The campground has a big population of Fruit Bats which roost in some of the trees – they make a terrific din and squabble and fight, and then fly if they are disturbed during the day, and fly in huge numbers at sunset. You wouldn't want to be camped underneath them!

Some of the Eucalypts have magnificent bright orange flowers – and the Rainbow Lorikeets match them! More Grevilleas, too.

Bird highlights: Double Barred Finches, Pheasant Coucal, Great Bower bird right up close, Dusky Honey-eater, Little Woodswallow

A cruise down the Katherine Gorge lasted about 2 hours and was stunning scenery

We saw a few Fresh water crocs.

No canoeing is allowed yet because of the danger of Salt water crocs that might have come in with the floods in the wet season. Traps are set to capture any ‘salties’ and no swimming or canoeing until they are confident it is safe – probably July this year.

Not many birds – but a Sea Eagle few overhead as the cruise ended. Saw fresh water mangroves, and heard many interesting facts about the area and the Jarwoyn people, who co-manage the N.P.

Another swim in the pool and washing done...the weather is perfect ...would be too hot without the breeze, so we go for walks early in the day and then as it cools down later. Lots of interesting people here so there is much chatting going on!

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