Monday, August 23, 2010

A day in Alice

We have these birds around the camp. Can you identify them Davo?

The Robs had  good sightings of White winged wren at the Sewerage works this morning. Also Avocets and Stilts and Black-tailed Godwits and Variegated Wren.

We really enjoyed our visit to Olive Pink Botanical Gardensthis afternoon. We had great views of Cockatiels, and a Western Bowerbird.

Some beautiful flowers and a panoramic view from the top of the hill.
The Holly leafed Grevillea was stunning.

Rob S spotted a wallaby on top of a rocky hill and set off to try to get a better look!

Now we are planning our trip to Newhaven ... apparently it is amazing up there .....excited faces!


  1. Hi, Looks like your having a marvellous time, we are very jealous! Hows the Rangey going? Must also say I am most impressed with the photography...C?
    Bit tricky this one, but best guess is White Browed Babbler? Keep up the good work, Davo

  2. 23-3-11: Hurrah! I ought to have found this bit sooner, but never to late to learn! What a wonderful way to visually share your journey and experiences. I have now seen the end result in book form, and it's sensational. Great work, keep it up. I am eagerly awaiting the next journey on the agenda and your blog so I can add a comment.
    Love, Yvonne
