Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bird Notes

Some good sightings today. Stopped for break oubout 50 km south of Loxton, and saw Blue bonnet and Mulga parrots bathing in a pool. Has been plenty of rain.
When we got to Loxton, went for a walk and had great views of a pair of Little Eagles (very close in tree). Also Black falcon and Whistling kite flying about the river. All the usual suspects for this part of the world ie Yellow rsellas, Pied Butcherbirds, Yellow Spoonbills and lots of ducks. As usual the Mallee ringnecks are quite common
The Pink Lake at Dimboola has never been so pink...hope the photos show it.
Very cold and wet start to the day at didnt get into double figures till after lunch, but by the time we got to Loxton..20 degrees and into Tshirts !

1 comment:

  1. This is obviously you Dad!Sounds like a great day of birding! We are all well, but very jeolous of the 20 degrees... LOL Georgie
